Life Stages

Blue background with a lighter blue circle and white text that says, “limb different toys matter - here’s why” and a pink teddy bear with a limb different arm and @ontheotherhandtherapy

Limb different toys matter – here’s why

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Limb different toys are fabulous for all children for so many reasons! There now are so many incredible options available at the click of a button

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When physical issues cause SADNESS for your child

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We delve into potential areas of distress related to physical issues that may underlie your child’s sadness about their upper limb difference

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Blue gradient with pink text that says "reflections from an OT with a limb difference" and a bubble with blue and black text that says "? | when social-emotional issues *cause SADNESS for your child with a limb difference." Small pink circles with an icon of a child with a partial arm and partial leg and "ontheotherhandtherapy"

When social-emotional issues cause SADNESS for your child

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We delve into potential areas of social-emotional distress that may underlie your child’s sadness about their upper limb difference

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Blue and pink gradient with white text that says "reflections from an OT with a limb difference" and a bubble with blue and black text that says "? | what to say & do when your child feels SAD about their limb difference" Small blue circles with an icon of a child with a partial arm and partial leg and "ontheotherhandtherapy"

What to say & do when your child feels SAD about their limb difference

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In this blog, we apply Jancee Dunn’s genius empathetic parenting strategy of asking your child when they’re sad about their limb difference: “Do you want to be hugged, heard, or helped?” (NYTimes column 4/23)

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What NOT to say when your child feels SAD about their limb difference

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Many of us were conditioned to respond to children when they are sad in ways that aren’t the best for them. Some of the following responses are less helpful in the moment than using reflective listening and offering empathy. Many of us heard these from our families of origin. Knowing why they can be harmful can empower us.

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Preparing yourself for when your child feels SAD about their limb difference

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On social media, parents often share about the hard moments when their children feel sadness about their limb difference for the first time. Before offering suggestions for supporting children during these difficult moments, I wanted to examine this situation from the parents’ perspective. All children experience sadness about aspects of their life, but this situation is a little different. Let’s explore it!

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Blue gradient with white text that says "reflections from an OT with a limb difference" and a bubble with blue and black text that says "? | when your child realizes they have a limb difference." Small pink circles with an icon of a person with a partial arm and partial leg and "ontheotherhandtherapy"

When your child realizes they have a limb difference

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This post initially was inspired by parents sharing about the moments that their children discovered or said something about their limb difference for the first time. I hope that this post will help parents anticipate what might be coming as well as support your child!

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Choosing High Quality Picture Books for Your Child

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There are many wonderful books for children written about characters with limb differences! As a parent, you want to choose books that align with and reinforce your values and steer clear of books that teach messages that you prefer to avoid.

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Teenage Years

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Guest column: Middle School and High School & Learning Life Skills, by Laura Tofinchio, Shelton, CT

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School Age

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Guest Column: From Daycare to Elementary School, by Laura Tofinchio, Shelton, CT

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