Limb different toys are fabulous for all children for so many reasons! There now are so many incredible options available at the click of a button
Read MorePeople upper limb differences (ULD) are at heightened risk of developing overuse syndrome over their lifetimes due to strain on the dominant side. Learn how to reduce the effects of overuse syndrome through intentional choices of adaptive equipment, awareness of biomechanics and posture, examination of societal messages, etc.
Read MoreWe delve into the factors that affect typing and accessing a computer for children and young adults with hand/arm differences, including strain to the “dominant” hand as well as incorporating the “affected” hand or arm. While ergonomics is important for everyone who types, it is even more important for children with hand/arm differences
Read MoreWe delve into messaging that can be detrimental to the development of a child with a hand/arm/limb difference from the child’s perspective. People who did not grow up with a limb difference may not realize how this messaging can affect a child and what the alternatives are.
Read MoreChildren need to be taught how to ask questions & connect with people who have visible differences and disabilities. We explore the two different kinds of questions and statements that people often ask and how they affect the listener.
Read MoreAll parents experience moments of sweetness while raising their children. As a new parent of a child with a limb difference, you may wonder what moments of sweetness you may experience that specifically relate to raising your child. Here are some that parents have shared over the years.
Read MoreMedical providers can offer much more than rosy or doom-and-gloom predictions when they consult with families of babies with congenital hand/arm differences.
Read MoreHere are some questions that you may want to ask any specialist whom you consult about your child’s hand/arm development
Read MoreOccupational Therapy (OT) is a fabulous resource that can contribute in many ways to your child’s growth and development. Learn all about OT, what it can offer your child, and how to find a practioner who is knowledgeable about hand/arm/limb differences.
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